I am the co-owner of the company. Our host?s rules do not allow me to use my name, but it does come first in the company name. I can be reached easily during our business hours. Just call.
My partner and I started this company "from scratch" in 1979 with 6 rental units. We now manage nearly 8,000 units of apartments, condominiums, and single family homes. Over the past 29 years, we have worked with and for at least 145,000 tenants, condominium owners, apartment owners, and Homeowner Association board members. We did not generate this level of growth and success without giving a VERY HIGH LEVEL OF EXCELLENT SERVICE to almost every one. Almost every one.
The company, its service to our tenants, homeowners, board members, and apartment owners mean everything to me, and I would do almost anything to enhance the perception of our company. That is why I freely invite anyone to call me, to speak to me. Of course this applies to anyone who, for any reason, feels that he or she did not get fine, fair, courteous service from my company.
Realistically, we have made customer service errors. I hate it, but it happens, and I will never hesitate to apologize to anyone who will give me the opportunity. When possible, I will do whatever I can to "set it right".
My name, again, is the name that comes first in the company name.
Our business has been successful because we have found a good balance among the needs of our tenants, our homeowners, our board members, our apartment owners, our employees, and our vendors.
We do our best to treat them all well.
We do our best to treat them all fairly and ethically.
And if you want to talk to me, to offer thanks or a complaint, my name is the name that comes first in the company name, I'm the co-owner, and I can be reached during our regular business hours. Just call.
Pros: Trying hard, every day, to be the best, to be fair and ethical
Cons: We try, but sometimes fail. So we try again.