Get your business listed on Judy's Book,
Search Engines and Partners

Get your business found on top sites like Google, Bing, Citysearch.

As low as $19.92/mo
Try it 30 days FREE *
Basic plan code: FREEBASIC30
Pro plan code: FREEPRO30
* ($0.99 setup fee applies)


Features Judy's Book CitySearch Yelp Yellow Pages
Update enhanced business info $69+/mo extra
Local Online Advertising $59+/mo extra
Mobile website $79+/mo extra
Reputation management
Search Engine Syndication $300-$8000+/mo extra
Competitor Ad removal
Dedicated Account manager
Search rank optimization
Search & Keyword Analytics
$19.92/mo $99/mo $300-$1000/mo $120-$9000/mo


Enhance your Online Presence

Engage more users by adding rich content to your listing.

Add Photos, Videos, Offers, Coupons, Owner message, link to your Website and more to make your listing stand out from the rest.

Listings with enhanced content get on average 78% more views and its a signal of trustworthiness

We will also remove all ads from your listing so users can focus 100% on your content


24/7 Instant Anytime Updates

Get Full Control of your listing through our Owner Dashboard and track your listing competition progress

Don't wait hours or days for your information to get approved and updated. With our Owner Dashboard, your changes take effect right away.

Make unlimited updates instantly and anytime to your business details, ads, categories, photos, videos, service areas, offers, keywords, etc to ensure your information is always up to date

Rank Higher in Search

Add related keywords to get to the top of search results.

Keywords allow your listing to show up on search results even if the term doesn't exactly match your business name or category

Differentiate from competitors with a "featured" badge

Add Service Areas of the metro or nearby cities that your business serves to increase the coverage area for your search results


Increase Leads & Revenue

Millions of people make purchasing decisions online

Increase your revenue by taking advantage of Judy's Book in-house FREE competitor advertising and showcase your business on your competitor listings to gain more customers and increase revenue

Competitor Tracking & Analytics

Track who are your biggest competitors and gain more customers and leads by showing your ads on their business listings

Monitor the progress of you ad campaigns impressions


Search and Keyword Analytics

Track which are your top keywords in search results and see detailed information about the searches your listing showed up

Monitor the progress of you Pageviews and Search impressions

Go Mobile!

Get a FREE mobile listing with no work on your side

We'll make your business info available for all mobile users to see. Our flexible mobile website will work on any Smartphone regardless if it's an iPhone, Android etc..


Reputation Management

Stay on top of your image and join the conversation with your customers

Each time a user writes a review, we'll notify you by email so you can view and reply to your customers

Recent research shows that how a business responds and handles a bad review can greatly impact customer retention. Always reply to both good and bad reviews!

Search Engine Syndication

Syndicate all your accurate business info

Judy's Book distributes your business information to a variety of popular sites simultaneously so that your changes and updated information are distributed across several sites (there is no guarantee that all the sites will include your data as some sites only include listings in limited categories)


Dedicated Account Manager

Whether you need help setting up your listing or prefer an account manager do it for you for you, we got you covered!

You can reach an account manager at any time by replying to your welcome email and we will contact you back as soon as possible.

Allow customer testimonials

If you get testimonials through social media, paper forms, emails, letters, etc, that don't come directly to your listing, we will allow you to post them on your customer's behalf without affecting your TrustScore

Often multiple reviews coming from the same location or for the same listing will be considered as fake, which will affect your TrustScore and online reputation.

As low as $19.92/mo
Try it 30 days FREE
Basic plan code: FREEBASIC30
Pro plan code: FREEPRO30