First day of the install, the team proceeded to lay down drop cloth, I mentioned it wasn’t necessary... the response- We protect your home as much as possible. That was appreciated. I was home the first day and witnessed the work ethic, but the rest of the week I was on pins and needles waiting to get home to see if I was pleased or disappointed with the work. Our home has no ducts so that meant slight changes to the home(closets) and the ceilings where the vents would be, and without fail I was impressed with their choice and talents every day I got home. I should’ve began with- this is my girlfriends home and she trusted me to investigate all ac options, trusted me with the consultation with Matt Lafferty and trusted me with every decision Son and Thaun made along the way- so the pressure was on....They delivered. We have a vaulted ceiling in one room and they used their wizardry to install 4 vents in the ceiling all evenly spaced with only acces to a closet wall positions low and left to the flattest part of the ceiling. In the living room,the vents are all symmetrical to the curtain rod. What!! I replaced a bathroom vent in the second floor so the corners they reached in the attic to place vents in the bedroom took a lot of effort. Son and Thaun even took the time to run tubes in the attic in a way that it still looks neat and we still have plenary of usable space. The unit is quiet, the vents are quiet, they look as if they were there all along. They let the dog out when he needed. They cleaned everyday, the place was spotless when we came home. The closet space we lost was minuscule. We’re going on our third summer in this home, and we were never comfortable when the heat hit, couldn’t have people over because of it. This is the most expensive and extensive thing we’ve done to the home and we trusted Unique, Matt Laffertty, Son Thach, and Thaun Chau to improve our quality of life int the summer........ Worth every penny.