My sewer line from the house to underneath the street was clogged, and Arnold & Sons Plumbing cleaned it out. It's a very long line, just short of 300 feet, and you can't open it up with an auger. I called other places for information, but had Arnold & Sons Plumbing come out. While their auger was also ineffective because it was only 100 feet, they were the best option for my situation. It was a very expensive process using water jets and they had more light-weight equipment suitable for root cutting. They came back the next day with three people, and they were here five or six hours doing the whole job. They used a water jet, and they had their camera. They used a piercing jet to blast through and make a small opening to the main sewer line, and ran the camera down so I could see. They fastened the camera to the water jet line and ran it all the way down to the main line and pulled it back out to cut the roots. It looked like a brand new sewer pipe! Everything was all clean! They put the camera back down to make sure I could see the whole thing. Then they came in the house, and to the 77 feet of line coming from the house, they did the same thing and it was all cleaned out. The camera is a wonderful thing to have, it feels like walking inside of the line. They gave me the peace of mind that there was no damage, and the line was in good shape. They also have chemicals that they poured down the line and ran water in it that would foam up the chemicals and coat the top side of the pipe and kill off any roots that were in the little joints. They guaranteed the open line for two years, which nobody else would guarantee. They were extremely competent, professional, friendly, and personable. There was even a guy on his hands and knees cleaning up water on my basement floor. I could not give them a higher rating! The price was a lot, but it had to be done and taken care of. I have already recommended them, and they are worth the money!