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X Gym


401 Tamal Plz Dr Ste B
Corte Madera, CA 94925

(415) 924-9496
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Training at XGym is a pleasure! All the trainers are friendly, knowledgeable and attentive. There is never any pressure to purchase a product or "lifestyle". Your workout is perso...


All reviews seem positive

Essentials 8/29/2012

X Gym is a smart investment in yourself. You get a trainer and a private gym twice a week for 20 minutes. And in that 20 minutes your trainer manages to get you in great shape. Very efficient use of time and money. Great people and a nice gym. I highly recommend it. more

perfect place to workout 8/24/2012

Training at XGym is a pleasure! All the trainers are friendly, knowledgeable and attentive. There is never any pressure to purchase a product or "lifestyle". Your workout is personalized and your trainer "checks in" during each training session to make sure that your training is appropriate for that day and that you are achieving your goals. more

Highly Recommended! 1/21/2012

I was an XGym member for many years before relocating to Arizona. I have experimented with many different exercise protocols during my life, always looking for the perfect system which would deliver the highest level of both strength and cardiovascular fitness. After some intermittent periods of absence to try something different, the XGym eventually became the base of my program. Consistency and progression are the keys to fitness. Whatever form of exercise you choose, it needs to fit into your life so that you can maintain your effort over long periods of time. The two twenty-minute sessions per week over a period of a year amount to 104 workouts. This is much better than attempting too much, and be always starting and stopping. The XGym protocol is safe and injury prevention is another key to consistency. Having a set appointment time helps too because showing up is responsible for probably 85 of potential success. With the details of each workout recorded, the progression aspect is always addressed. This structured approach results in maximum strength gains in the shortest time period. Once you get close to your potential strength limits, the workout frequency can even be reduced to one session per week which still results in strength increases. Even a week vacation a few times per year becomes a well earned rest and never results in any loss of strength. In fact, I have made infrequent trips back to CA over the last year and always try to fit in a workout while I am there. It is amazing how much of my strength was maintained. Even I was surprised that between my last two trips, which were four month apart that I was actually stronger even though I had done no traditional weight lifting in the interim. If you are looking for the most time-efficient route to strength and fitness, you need to give the XGym serious consideration. Along with an appropriate diet and lifestyle, it will deliver superior results with a minimal time commitment. Tom Griesel, co-author of TurboCharged: Accelerate Your Fat Burning Metabolism, Get Lean Fast and Leave Diet and Exercise Rules in the Dust (BSH 2011). more

Well worth the investment 1/16/2012

20 minutes 2x per week can't be beat. I highly recommend the Xgym if you are looking to build your core strength with a minimal time investment. Eric and his crew are great to work with and the results are well worth the investment. more

This was an overall good experience 11/19/2011

I would reccomend the x gym, it has been a possitive experience. Staff are friendly and flexable. more

The perfect workout 4/4/2011

First a word about "Super Slow" training. I've been doing it for four years now (three in L.A. and one here in Marin at XGym) and it's been kind of a miracle for me. The gains in strength and lean muscle and energy have been tremendous as have the gains in a particular kind of confidence. This is a very challenging workout both physically and mentally and it offers the person training a great opportunity to use/experience mind of over matter. Each rep can be it's own little journey of staying focused and calm (not always easy to do while pushing or pulling with all of your might) and the experience of breaking through a mental block or a moment of fear about finishing a set to suddenly doing another rep (or 3) with a kind of ease that can't really be described (especially on the heels of struggling a split second before) can be a truly empowering experience. As for doing this training at XGym... it's been tremendous. Each trainer there is very dedicated to their own fitness and besides doing the Super Slow workout themselves they all have martial arts backgrounds which helps with the intensity of focus this workout requires. Also from the owner and most senior trainers to the most junior (in Super Slow) trainer there's an ease and calmness that helps me get into the proper mental space (there's also an understanding of that space) along with the willingness and ability to push me to (and beyond) my limits. Finally, for anyone thinking that 20 minutes twice a week is too good to be true... it's not (and many reputable studies back this up). That said, you have to put everything into it to get the most out of it and the trainers and ownership at XGym are great allies/support should you choose to go on that journey. more

This is the workout you've been looking for 12/5/2010

I wanted to get in shape but lacked the knowledge of what exactly to do and the discipline to make myself do it. The X-Gym took care of both of those problems. They expertly guide you through a personal program based on your abilities. It is designed to give noticeable results quickly and it does just that. Because it is one-on-one with a set appointment, it kept me "honest" and I look forward to my session. They were also extremely accommodating with my time and worked with me to find times that fit my schedule. This program delivers incredible results and you will stick with it. more

Great people. Very time efficient. Incredible experience. 11/29/2010

I have spent over a year with X Gym. The team is great. While I work mostly with Dawud (who is awesome), the other trainers are just as capable. The 1-on-1 approach is fantastic. You definitely have a personal coach. The training is intense -- in some respects it is unbelievable how 20-minutes can be so impactful. Because it is a limited amount of time, I am much more apt to commit to it and be regular in my workouts. That said, this workout isn't as cardio as I might have expected. However, I had forgotten over the years to keep up the strength training. I definitely feel better with these workouts. more

Very Hard Workout in just a few minutes 11/24/2010

The facility is small and each training session is private. It is clean and well equipped. The trainers are where they excel. It is a very stressful 20 minutes and they are very careful to make sure I am in the proper position for maximum effect of the exercise and also for safety. I feel that I am in good hands and am noticeably stronger. I like the efficiency, the results and the people. more

Most effective 40 minutes of my week. 7/8/2009

A friend of mine who was training with X Gym highly recommended that I look into their program. I had known about them previously and was interested in the super-slow way of training, which is the X Gym method of lifting a weight in a very slow, concentrated motion while counting to 10, then slowly lowering it on the same count, never resting, for a total of at least 2 minutes of lifting. You start with the heaviest weight that you can manage for 2 minutes, and as you get stronger you can lift for a longer period of time before exhausting the muscles. At this point, the trainer increases the weight just enough to bring you back down to under 2 minutes. In this way you get a consistent, thorough workout each time. I have been training with X Gym for a couple of years now. I did not know what to expect going in, but I definitely feel that I am healthier and stronger. As I have progressed through the program, it has become clear that I was quite out of shape initially, even though I did not look it. My muscles and my entire body are adapting better now. I encourage everyone to give it a try. You will know within a few months if the X Gym method is for you. Most people get a lot out of it, and see results in the first few months. Bruce L. Horn, Ph.D. more

Results I want in time frame I'm willing to commit to. 6/11/2009

I have been with X Gym for more than 5 years now. I am living proof that you will want to stay forever. What I like about X Gym is having an appointment, a set time for 20 minutes twice a week when I work out with my trainer. I have joined gyms in the past and never gone because, without an appointment, you can always go do something else. The trainers at X Gym are very efficient with time and the program helps me accomplish what I want to do.Also, the one-on-one workout allows you to develop a rapport with your trainer. The staff at X Gym is great and there is a consistency with the trainers, so you know you are getting a good trainer. With X Gym, you have to be okay with the concept of failing. You work your muscles until they fail. You apologize to your trainer and they reassure that it is okay, that is supposed to happen. That is the success.I recommend X Gym all of the time. It gives me the results I want in the time frame I am willing to commit to. Nina Gabriel more

Customized for your strengths and weaknesses. 6/4/2009

I started training with X Gym because a woman I know had used them for a while and had a good experience with them. Also, nothing else was working for me. With my previous gym membership, I could not make myself go to the gym.X Gym is conveniently located near my office. I have been training with them for almost one year. My experience with X Gym has been awesome. I feel a lot stronger, which helps me with my cycling. The best thing about X Gym is that the program is customized for your strengths and weaknesses. Also, the trainers are very nice. The workouts are only 20 minutes, 2 times a week. So, you go in, work hard, and then it is done. Rebecca Crandall more

Fast and effective. 5/26/2009

I decided to train with X Gym because I was lazy. I needed a set appointment and somebody there who would be training me. I also liked that the workouts were only 2 times a week for a short amount of time. With other gyms, I always ended up paying dues but never going. With X Gym, I just get up and go. I have been training with X Gym for 2 years now. The workouts are fast and effective. I definitely have gotten much stronger. I do not have the back problems that I had -- my back does not go out. Also, I do not have that voice in my head saying "You should get some exercise." I have already recommended X Gym to other people. If you do not have the discipline to do weight-bearing exercise on your own, their system really works. more

Warm, knowledgeable, supportive and focused. 5/18/2009

I am a grandmother and I knew that I needed a training system to keep my bones and muscles strong. X Gym appealed to me because I wanted a routine that I would enjoy and I also wanted to see results. I have been training with X Gym for more than 3 years now. I am faithful to all of my scheduled training sessions and I am thrilled with how strong and healthy I feel. I like having a scheduled time and getting one-on-one attention from my trainer. He works me hard and the workouts are very focused. There is no wasted time. Prior to joining X Gym, I had never been able to stick with gyms. What I like about X Gym is that the workouts are only 20 minutes, twice a week. I work hard and I also have time to do other, outdoor sports. I would definitely recommend X Gym. The staff is very supportive of everybody. They answer all of my questions. They also are good at working around any medical conditions, such as a bad arm or leg. Iyana Leveque more

Completely satisfied with great results and enjoyment. 2/26/2009

I live close to X Gym. I used to pass by their sign every day and finally, one day, I decided to go in and check it out. My experience with X Gym has been incredibly good. When I started 16 months ago, I did not know what to expect. I have had fantastic training, great results and terrific support. I could not be happier. X Gym's system is a little different -- 20 minutes, twice a week. You may not think it will be effective, but it is without a doubt the most effective training system I have ever used in my life. I very highly recommend X Gym. more

Great trainers. A fulfilling experience in mind and body. 2/26/2009

I decided to use X Gym because I knew I needed strength training, and my conversations with the owner, William Lewis, were persuasive. What he told me about the program was convincing: working out for 20 minutes twice a week and getting fast results. My experience with X Gym has been excellent. I started in the Summer of 2006, and the program has exceeded my expectations. The trainers are great. They are personable, supportive and extremely knowledgeable. They make the experience as pleasant as possible and they push you to your limits. They help you achieve good results. I have already recommended X Gym to others. Give it a try, see the results and enjoy the experience. Harold Meyrowitz more

Efficient. Challenging on a physical and mental level. 1/26/2009

I decided to join X Gym about 18 months ago because I was not getting results with the training I was doing on my own. I was not able to push myself past my comfort zone. I wanted a way to break through my barriers with strength training. My experience with X Gym has been great. I have gained muscle strength. I also have developed good relationships with the trainers. While there is consistency with all of the trainers, they each bring something different to the table to help you break through your barriers and reach your fitness goals. X Gym's program is a really efficient way to get your strength training in and make sure you are doing it in a safe way. I have accomplished more with my fitness through X Gym than I would have been able to do in any other self-directed program. As I make progress, the trainers adjust my workout to keep me challenged. In the past, if something was to hard, I would not do it. With X Gym, the workout is hard but I am willing to do it because I am gaining so much. more

Professional. Highly effective program. Convenient. 1/26/2009

I joined X Gym because I am getting older and was having some back problems. X Gym offers strength training, which I had read is increasingly important as you age. I get plenty of cardio exercise, but needed to incorporate strength training. X Gym was a good match for what I needed. The location of the gym and the time commitment were also big factors in my decision to join X Gym. I can easily commit to 20 minutes twice a week. Everything has worked out even better than I expected. I highly recommend X Gym for people who want pragmatic, professional trainers. I do not like people shouting at me; I do not want a cheerleader. X Gym's trainers are mellow rather than excitable. They get the job done. more

Something I look forward to. Helps me focus outside the gym, too. 12/19/2008

I learned about X Gym from my sister, who was doing the program in San Diego and liking it. I joined X Gym three years ago and have been very happy with the program. The trainers have helped me make positive changes in the gym that I can apply to my life outside of the gym. For example, I am more calm and focused in my day-to-day life. I went into X Gym with expectations of getting skinny. The trainers helped me be realistic in terms of listening to my body and figuring out what is right for me. When working with weights, there is a tendency to put pressure on yourself and push too hard. I like that the trainers at X Gym know how my body responds and what I can handle. There is no extra pressure to accomplish more than what I can do. All I have to do is breathe and get through the painful part of the workout, because it is challenging. The trainers do the rest. I tell people who are looking to increase their bone strength and bone density to join X Gym. The workouts are perfectly designed for that. Arlene more

Extremely motivated staff. Great results in short time. 12/15/2008

I first heard about X Gym three or four years ago in an advertisement at a movie theater. The ad read something like: "20 minutes twice a week. No Lycra. No lie. Results guaranteed." At the time, I did not believe it -- only 20 minutes twice a week sounded too good to be true. I started going to X Gym about a year and a half ago. I liked the idea of the time-efficient workouts because I did not have a lot of time to exercise. I also liked the idea of working one-on-one with a trainer. It took three or four months before I began noticing changes, but the results were dramatic. I was losing weight and gaining muscle tone. People around me also started to notice that I was getting thinner. So far, I have lost 60 lbs. I have muscle tone that I have not had since high school. I also have more bone strength. For those interested in joining X Gym, I would say that it is not an easy program, but anyone can handle 40 minutes a week to get results. I do not have to supplement my X Gym workouts with any other kind of exercise. I have already recommended X Gym to three people. They all started the program and are still doing it. I love the staff and think the whole idea of the short, effective workouts is genius. Lisa Conant RN Novato Laser and Skin Center more
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