On Oct 23,2009 I called shively animal clinic to pick up some flea medicene for our 2 ferrets, our little kitten slyvester and our large dog. The guy on the phone took my order and gave me a price,i asked this guy if he could get it ready for me and I'd be there in a few mintues. he agreed and asked me what my name was and asked me again what excatly i needed once again, I told him once again " flea medicene for 2, 3 pound ferrets, a 4 pound kitten and a 80 to 100 pound dog, I gave him my name Donna Tackett because I hadn't changed my name yet with them since I just had gotten married. before we hung up we went thru the order once again....that makes a total on 3 times. I get to the vet and a girl checks me out, I tell her my name Donna Tackett, she gets my bag of items along with my chart. I pay for my items and before I leave I tell her I need to change my last name that I had just gotten married. On my ticket she scratches out my old last name Tackett and changes it to Theiler. I go home and seperate the small contanier of flea drops and apply them to the 2 ferrets and the kitten. within a couple of hours i notice that slyvster is acting wierd...he is shaking and walking funny..so i tell my husband to go get the drops outta the garbage to see if they may have been expired....as we looked we noticed it says advantix K9....it was for dogs only. i immediatly scoop up slyvester to take him to the vet and called them along the way, i tell the guy on the phone what happen and he informs me that advantix is very lethal to cats. We get there and a girl is asking the boy who took my order for the drops where the paper was that he wrote down my order was at, he was looking around everywhere for it and couldnt find it, i kinda got rude and said im not worried where the paper is, just take my kitten to get check out with the vet before he dies..the girl gets us in a room and the vet Dr Mary Jane Fuchs rushes in and start yelling at me that it wasnt for cats.....i tell her that the boy sold it to me...but she keeps saying" but it isnt for cats" they take my baby to the back and tells me they will call me when they know something. Around 10 p.m that night we get a phone call saying our 5 month old kitten didnt make it. I was too upset to even speak, my husband was just in shock...we didnt know what to think. The next morning I get up and it dawns on me to check on my ferrets and the drops i had givin them. sure enough the flea drops for the ferrets was also for a dog. Ferrets should recieve flea drops for a feline, not a K9. The ferrets are ok, but i call the vet and ask to speak the a dr because by now im furious over all this. Dr. Mary Jane gets ont the line and she starts off being rude and nasty and sayin "as i told you last night advantix is for dogs only" And how she questioned the young man that sold it to me and that he says i never told him it was for a kitten.And that this boy keeps a notepad of all medicne that he sells. And how my chart show I have a small rat terrier dog,that I just had spaid a year and a half ago.and that the boy was just going by my chart. I explained I had no such dog....and hadnt owned a dog since I was a child and that i am now 35 years old. she kept sticking by this story that i have this dog on my chart and that the name on the chart is a Chris Theiler. she was very rude and hung up. never apologized to us for our loss or even that they was somewhat at fault. The wierd thing is, is how could they have gotten my chart mixed up with this Chris Theiler when I hadnt even changed my last name with them to Theiler until after I bought the drops? I dont know what to do or if I can even do anything, I just want to make sure that this never happens to anyone's pet again. This place is too busy, they use paper insteed of computers to keep their patients records.They apparently dont train their staff on how important it is to sell the poper medicene to their patients