Hi, my name is Jimmy Swells. and for years, i've been searching endlessly for a workout regime that frankly, would work me like a school girl. I have personally went through the arduous task of cycling through every pill, gym,progam and gimick this side of the U.S. Yet it was all futile. nothing worked, nothing. the fat that engulfed my physique was unsurmountable, and growing by the month, i was running out of time. at this point if that fat could speak it would inquire if I was mirin'. Depressed, lonely, and full of miracle whip and regret, I was soon to lose hope. Until one day, my long time god brother Russel Jimmies suggested a place called "koko fit club". I was baffled that this was an establishment I have not yet ventured into. Though I admit, I was a bit skeptical, how could such a new business do so much THAT well? nonetheless I went to check it out. initially, the first thing I noticed that this place was IMMACULATE! and the people at the desk were vibrant and full of life. I was presented with a demonstration. and man, I was drenched in sweat by the end of it. never before have I thought how monitering my pacing could tear MORE muscle fibers, before i would lift weightlike speed mcqueen. and I thought I was awesome, but now? koko has humbled me.