All dealers are slimeballs when it comes to negotiating a car purchase, it just depends to what degree. We used a car buying service through ZAG dot com, which I highly recommend as a great site to calculate a deal. Consumer Reports uses them as their car buying service for subscribers. Apple gave me the best quote, granted. But they tried to rip me on charges for tags, title,etc., which were ~ $150 above what they should have been. It's illegal in Maryland to charge for a profit above the actual state fees, but they did it anyway. The dealership owner probably greases politicians' campaign coffers to get away with it. They also tried to charge sales taxes on the delivery and documentation fees, which is also in violation of state law. Tax is only charged on the final sales price of the physical product; that is what I was told 3 times by the state DMV. Delivery and doc fees are services. So they have been suckering thousands of unsuspecting buyers, no doubt. All I can do is refuse to pay them, which I did, and report them to the Attorney Gen and inform consumers like you. I got almost all of my demands in the end, except for the doc fee. The doc fee is an industry collusion (collusion is illegal) of which buyer payment is not mandated by law. Next time I will kill any deal if that fee isn't removed.