First of all, I'd like to say that the overall buyong experience was good, a good car at a good value and Andrew was great.. There were some upsides and downsides. A blow by blow of the day. AFter making what I thought was a firm appointment, I flew into town and was picked up at the airport promptly. When I arrived at TXAD I was directed to check in and my rep (Andrew) was paged. This was at approximately 10:30 am. After waiting awhile, I r-checked the desk to make certain my arrival was announced. I was assured someone would bring the car around that I was looking at, so I waited. I had a local relative waiting for me at the dealership and we were running out of time. Finally, arounf 3p the car showed up, but at that juncture I had little time for inspection or questions. In the used car sales world, this is called cooking the customer. I hastely did my paper work and left, just relieved to be out of there. The shine was off the new car expeirnce. Upom arrival at Home, I realized that I had only one set of keys, and more importantly, no master key incase the existing keys are lost. You cannot make a duplicate without the master key for an Audi A8. I call to check on the existence of said key and was told no such key is in our possession. another bummer. Should I ever lose my key, I'm royally screwed for 350. from the dealer. When I buy a car, I like to get the entire car. These electronically coded keys are expensive and time consuming to get. I still like the car, but would like to trade it soon.