I was a latch-key kid growing up and always came home to an empty house and free-reign of the kitchen. I gained a lot of weight at a young age and dealt with a lot of harassing, and lack of self-confidence. Over the years, I’ve lost a lot of it, so although I no longer look “fat”, I’ve lived with those stubborn fat deposits. At one point, I lost so much weight trying to get rid of them that people said I looked too thin and “gaunt” but, even then, those deposits would not leave. That episode finally convinced me that my lifelong preconception of lipo being the “weak man’s” way out was false – it’s also what convinced me that it was worth the money to try lipo as a last resort. \r
I can honestly say it has been the best money I’ve ever spent. I’m no longer self-conscious or preoccupied with how I look and I have peace of mind. We've never flinched about investing in necessities like education, cars, and home, but it always been a huge barrier to justify spending money on something “unnecessary” like this. I know money doesn’t buy happiness, but all I can say is that life is just plain better now. In retrospect, this was an expense that was entirely justified – absolutely no regrets and I wish I would have visited sonobello years ago. \r