It's funny, oct people when they hear ""liposuction"" they think of pampered aged movie stars who are getting surgery for vanity reasons.
I grew up in a family of all women and from childhood believed I was the ""big one"" and needed to be comfortable with it. So my effort to diet and exercise correctly was lacking. But the job I have requires me to be physically fit. When I finally ""woke-up"" and realized I needed to take action, I had made the process harder for myself.
So after years of exercising, staying active, and eating right, there was this layer I couldn't get rid of.
The laser lipo gave y body an extra boost and my mind that extra motivation to push through and work harder.
It's a climb to stay healthy, especially these days, sometimes we just need a little help.
I am so happy with my results!
Thank you Sono Bello.