I had such a wonderful experience with Sono Bello. My consultant, Amy and the entire staff, were so genuine and made me feel comfortable in a situation I was normally so uncomfortable about. I had the TriSculpt procedure done on my entire midsection and it has truly been a life changer! \r
I lost 35lbs prior to having this done with very little change to the fat layer around my midsection. I wasn't able to fully celebrate my hard work because I was very self-conscious about my problem area. I went to the Caribbean 4 weeks after my TriSculpt procedure and it was the first time in my life that I actually felt comfortable and confident in a bathing suit! I was also able to complete a very physically demanding zip line course which I don't think I would have been able to do prior. I have now lost nearly 50lbs and I'm really looking forward to summer and experiencing all of the things I have avoided for so many years. \r
If I had to do things over, I would still have the TriSculpt done. I feel great both physically and mentally and have experienced little to no excess skin after the procedure. The scars are very minimal and I will definitely consider having this done on additional areas in the future.