Whow......what talent....I am a 45 year old female, who went to Josephine's feeling a bit low. I had a wonderfully talented stylist color my hair, her name is Michelle. She is patient, kind, thoughtful and very, very talented when it comes to the chemistry of color. The best I have ever had, and I have lived a long time.
And the greatness keeps coming, for a very gifted stylist, by the name of Nareh, put extensions in my old, thinning hair....and what do you know....a smile reappeared on my face. She is a beautiful soul with a true gift. Nareh is extremely talented in so many areas including hair, skin and make-up. I told her she needs to have a column, for this is a stylist that the stars would FIGHT for, and the women of the world love to hear from(beauty tips ect...).....Josephine's is truly lucky to have these talented girls, MICHELLE and NAREH, and I thank you both for the fantastic experience...thank you...Tina