Would give ZERO stars. The snuck in with their lights off to steal a car so they could hold it for ransom.
Our baby sitter left our house to find her car missing. We had no idea what happened! We had to call the police to find out it was towed.
She arrived at 6pm, and the car was towed sometime before 11 pm. (Not even overnight!) She was infront of an open window, and her car was litterally less than 20 feet away.
She is a pillar of the community and I am HORRIFIED this happened at our home. She watches our boy out of the kindness of her heart... They are the proverbial thugs who would literally steal candy from a baby!
They towed the car several suburbs over. (Not even local) It is not possible to recover the car immediately, and it will cost over $150 to pick it up.
She works as a nurse who makes home visits to women with newborns that are only a couple days old. What if she had to work tomorrow? Sorry new mother, sorry newborn? This is just monsterous, she supports our community, stealing from her is stealing from all mothers!
When I spoke to the officer he said that he admitted their behavior was shady and that he has been called twice this summer already for cars snatched JUST FROM OUR NEIGHBORHOOD!
The officer told me to follow up with our townhouse association since it technically occured on private property:
The KEY PHRASE is to get your complex to CHANGE TO ""tow by complaint only"" otherwise they work like predators. They ARE breaking the law by driving with their lights off at night, but an officer has to catch them in the act...
No one expects car jackers to come to your house in an upscale subburban townhome... Let alone steal from a saint while you are out!
Seriously, less than zero stars because this is criminal and just plain wrong. Help change things, Say it with me: TOW BY COMPLAINT ONLY.