This company is disgusting. I was blocked in at the mall today while a guy was fixing someone's tire. I sat there for 15min, got frustrated and asked how long it was going to be. He replied, ""AS LONG AS I TAKE!"" When I called him out on his horrible attitude and for being a jerk he said he'd take longer just to make me sit there. I asked him to move his truck so I could get out and he REFUSED! He literally went to move his truck and said, ""You know what? No, I'm not gonna. I'm going to make you sit there and wait."" I had nothing to do with that company. I was just blocked in by his truck. When I called the Manager to get his employee to move his truck, he was just as rude. I told him I'd spread the word online about how terrible they are and he said ""Good luck with that. You go right ahead."" Well, it looks like I don't need to. Their 20% rating speaks for itself. This company is obviously full of incompetent, rude, and low life scum.