I travel a lot for business. Getting sick has never been such an inconvenience. Trying to get a last minute appointment to see the doctor is impossible when my window of availability is so small. WhiteGlove is the perfect solution! They'll even see me when I'm out of town. I tell them when and where I'm going to be and...it's done. A friend told me it was that easy and I thought, ""Oh, yeah, where's the catch?"" No catch...simple, easy, straight foward. The NP was super (I'm a nurse and I didn't even have to play that card :) Not only was she professional, sharp, and personable, but she brought me a care package, too. Gotta love that chicken soup! And, she left me with the medication I needed and called a prescription in to my pharmacy. I love WhiteGlove. Goodbye having to get dressed and drive myself to the doctor when, hello...I'm sick! Goodbye waiting in a room full of other sick folks. Goodbye hideous doctor office visit fees. And, hello WhiteGlove...empathy, service, and the price is right. Thank you, thank you!