You'll want to read this entire review:
I took 2 of my cats in for boarding during Hurricane Irma. I have been using Hollywood Animal Hospital for 10 years (now they are VCA) and have been extremely happy with the 2 Vets that I use. However, as I found out the hard way, boarding is an entirely different story. Emma and Ginger were there for 4 days. When I picked them up on day 5, I had to be taken to the kennel room (where they board), because I was told Ginger was too aggressive to take out of her cage. This didn't sound at all like my cat. But OK, understandably she might be nervous and confused. So I was escorted back, and found a big sign on the cage saying, "Cat BITES". Ginger has no teeth! Bites? The gal that had been trying to get her out of the cage was so NASTY about it. Ginger has a chart. Can't she read? Long story short, I got her out and took her and Emma home. As soon as they were let out of their carriers, neither one of them could get enough water or food. Ginger was dehydrated and it took 2 days for the skin on the back of her neck to bounce back. I might add, when I was in the kennel room, I did notice that NONE of the cages that I saw had bowls or water. Nor did they have litter boxes. This is relevant as I tell you more of my story.
I noticed a strong smell of urine emanating from Ginger. When I dropped her off at the hospital for boarding, I included one of her smaller beds.They hadn't given that back to me saying it was being washed. Now I understood why. On top of not being fed (I left a new bag of dry food when I dropped them off) or given water for who knows how long, she also was left laying in her own urine for a long period of time. I assume in her bed. I assume along with her feces. It took me two bathings with Dawn and still could not completely get rid of the stench. It was all over her and deep in her skin, not just the fur. Her skin must've been burning her! I am so very ANGRY! She was traumatized by this experience and it took her nearly 2 days to resort back to her old self.
Don't EVER take your pet in for boarding to this place!! I regret so much that I did.