I love my car. I obsess about my car. I treat it like a classic and show it off at competitions, even though it is a 2006 model (but I've got a Best-in-Show trophy, so perhaps I'm not totally crazy). So when an SUV ran into the back end and crumpled it, I was crushed. Could the car ever be as good as it was?
Yes, because I took it to Triangle Collision. They listened to my needs, gave me a detailed tour of the facility, and worked with me closely to ensure the new parts were in-line with what I wanted. Stephanie and Clint were incredibly patient with me and my obsessive behavior. Apparently, I must have come across as a little crazy, because the shop owner, Clint, insisted on painting my car himself. The quality of the work was top-notch, and the color match was spot-on.
Thanks very much, Triangle Collision!
RESPONSE FROM Triangle Collision:
Thank you sir for the kind words, we strive to treat our customers the way we want to be treated. I appreciate that you took the time to give us positive feedback and frankly customers that appreciate our efforts renew our spirits. Sadly, in business I have found that you can do a hundred customers a nice job and just a handful will praise your efforts, but if you make a minor error with a handful of customers, they shout it from the rooftops. This disparity is the reason so many people lose heart and simply give up on doing a nice job. Your review came at a much needed time for me personally, and I thank You.