All I want to do is replace the person I have on my membership, which I pay for, with another. The person I signed up with hasn't paid me for their training session I fronted or the monthly fee of $12, and before the negative comments come about who I signed up with me and didn't pay, i should have I knew my step-daughter would do this to me. I never asked for a reduction, I just want her off my account; well, you can't cancel them without paying the $99 fee and proof of a medical reason or moving out of a 50 mile radius. Too add the other person, I have to pay them $50, and then she can be added, as my reasons for dropping my step-daughter is not within their scope. OK, I understand what I signed, however, I can see if I asked for to just drop her completely and reduce my fees, but, that’s not what I asked for!