I did not brave Brazilian bikini waxing until last year-- in my mid-twenties. My little sister had done it forever and had recommended it for the same length of time. I put if off because of my fear of the very stupidity I wound up facing at first: esthesticians who got impatient because I was shy; esthesticians who made me feel uncomfortable because I'm part-black; esthesticians who opened the door (!), left and returned and left and returned through the open door (!!), talked to other clients, and concluded by leaving wax in my still-hairy butt; esthesticians who refused to give me what I wanted (i.e., a full Brazilian wax) because ""you're a first-timer and you must do it in stages"". Then I found Jodi-- who does NONE of these things. She is neither rude nor unsanitary. She is warmly cheerful, sympathetic, hygienic, and on time. She can *successfully* wax everything you want waxed at lightning-speed without hurting you; this is as painless as having hair ripped from your Triangle gets, even without ibuprofen and even when it's just after your period. The first time I got a full wax was at Jodi's studio: it took fifteen minutes, and I didn't even whimper when I had prepared to scream. She won't give you that ""first-timer"" nonsense because, unlike what seems like ninety percent of the other professionals in LA, she actually knows what she's doing. And she does not leave wax or any other gross stickiness in my butt. This all results from her best characteristic, which is her unbelievable focus on the job and the client. Plus, she gives detailed instructions, both on her comprehensive website (who else has got one this good?) and during your appointment. If you follow her instructions to the letter, you will barely get ingrown hairs, even if you're especially curly and crinkly down there and ingrowns are inevitable. I will weep when I have to leave LA and her services next year.