I am not sure who the recent reviewers are, but they must be fake. I see a trend. 2 good reviews every couple of weeks. Everyone has the same grammar, punctuation, and amazing things to say about these company. Utter disgust. How low of a company. Now they even think reviewers are fools. Good try though.
This company is awful. Pure awful.
The manager is never home. NEVER.
She has been gone for DAYS at a time. Her car is gone for days, her mailbox full of neighbor requests/letters, the water hose on in the ""pool"" for LONG LONG hours (about 12-16). Her plants ALWAYS die. Maybe, possibly because she's never home to water them. *hint*
When ever I have a question about a very important matter, one that involves PAC, all she could say is to take it serious. Great advice though, haha. NOT.
Back to the point, she is never home, the only time you'll see her is some mornings with her broom sweeping up nothing, fighting with her husband, about how she has nothing to wear.
Do you really have nothing to wear? Because for all I know, you have a second job that takes up most of your time, and PAC pays you in some way (money or rent) . So you should have something to wear. She is the type of girl that is just a preppy, daddy's girl, always complaining.
Her and Mr. Husband should have their little arguments inside their home. Not in the commons area. I know it may be 9 am, or 11 am, and you think no one is home.
I wish PAC knew who and what they hired.
When I moved in, the manager opened the door to my apartment, asking if I lived there. WHY, YES, I DO! I said. She replied, ""I am so sorry, PAC never told me they had gotten new tenants.""
Really? No communication between managers and landlords!!! Wow. So the landlords also can't find a good time to find these managers and talk to them?
I am outraged with this manager. She has introduced herself to my family about 5 times, always asking which apartment I live in.
I've been here for 15 months. Do not look any different, drive the same car, have the same family members, are you really that forgetful or do you NOT EVEN CARE WHO YOU ""MANAGE?
By the way ""manager"", I know you manage these apartments. You have already told me 5 times.