Many negative awful experiences in reviews - yelp, google+, yellow pages, facebook. Wish I had read them before going to their emergency department. Money making machine. The vets (revolving door of 25 year olds) are probably trained on sales techniques.\r
They took a vigorous 18 yr old cat who had an upper respiratory infection/viral infection, and we took him home as a disoriented, confused, agitated cat who will probably need to be euthanized. After 3 visits with no results in getting him over the respiratory infection, he was given 4 strong medications all because we asked them to give him something to help him sleep when we left him overnight ($1200). They initially gave him METHADONE (WTF?? An OPIOID to help him sleep??). My cat then had a seizure from the opioid (never had a seizure before), so they gave him something to reverse the seizure - Midazolam which is a benzo also used as a sedative. Googling opioid + sedative will result in very scary warnings about not mixing the two - kills people. Then they gave him naloxone to reverse the opioid, and flumazenil to reverse the midazolam. If that happened to a person, there would be a malpractice lawsuit.\r
My cat is now out of his mind, just paces back and forth (for over 18 hours) from one water bowl to another - doesn't drink, doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, doesn't recognize us. Before and after the unbelievable amount of medications, we were recommended one diagnostic procedure after another - x rays, rhinoscopies, MRI's, CT scans, ultra sounds, neurology tests, steroids, antibiotics, anti-nausea, appetite stimulants. We did some of them and racked up a bill of $2,200. If we did all of it, it would have been over $5,000. \r
Their answer is the medications they gave him are not causing the new problems - but they need to see him again to give a definitive answer - yeah right, just one more way to get $$$. They did a physical neurologic exam on him after giving him the seizure, said that he probably has some neurologic issues but without biopsy that it is not clear what the cause is - could be cancer, could be benign, could be bacteria. How anyone can do an accurate neurological exam after pumping opiods, sedatives and drugs that amp up his cortisol, and after having a seizure is beyond understanding. Again, just one more procedure to make money.\r
He was a social cat 2 days ago who could jump, walk, and sleep. I'm beyond rage and heartbreak at what they did to him. They will cover their tracks and never admit responsibility.