Come to this place if you are interested in over-paying and being taken advantage of!! Its great, they'll take you for all your worth, and in the end, your animal still does not get proper care.
I have had a horrible taste in my mouth for weeks in regards to this establishment. I believe this institution takes advantage of a pet owner when they are in an ""emergency"" situation. First off, I did not feel the most serious concerns were addressed first. The whole kit and caboodle was presented to me. My initial projected costs of treatment was over $1,200.00. Treating everything from most serious to preventative. My initial reaction was to question the cost of the prescriptions and requested to get a write up for the medication because I was going to have it filled elsewhere. Following that, the vet told me it would be possible to have this very prescription filled at King Soopers for $4 and WRAH wanted to charge me over $50. This should be the first indication as to how corrupt this establishment was.
I then paid for x-rays and to have a radiologist review the xrays. However, a decision was made as to what was medically best for my dog with out a radiologists opinion as they were not in the office on the weekends, but if I wanted to pay an additional fee I could have an ""on call"" radiologist examine the x-rays, or I could pay additional charges to splint the leg that was believed to be broken. Monday, when the radiologist returned, it ends up the leg was not broken. So instead followed the instructions I was given to keep the splint on, and re-visit with my regular vet in one week. After a few days the splint began to smell and I noticed discharge coming from the covered paw. I called Dr. Leavitt and explained the situation. I did not hear back from Dr. Leavitt until I called her again a week later. I returned to my regular vet, who believed that if you were to put a splint on an open wound it needed to be changed in 2-3 days not 7! And he also concluded that the foot was not broken, and the splint was overall not necessary. AND...because it wasnt changed in a timely manner infection brewed!
After expressing my frustrations to the ""Client Relations"" rep, I got no where. I was ignored for nearly a week. I had to continue to contact several individuals at this place before I heard back and the consensus was a difference of opinion by vets as to what the best care was for my dog.
This place makes me want to hurl. They take advantage of people and their pets in situations of panic. They insist on treatment that is not pertinent and costs that are magnified significantly.
I will single-handedly spread the word as to how disgusting this place is. My suggestion to anyone reading this...dont go here!