I took my older cat to the hospital on a Saturday. The charge for bloodwork and to give her a bolus of saline solution under the skin, and an antibiotic, was over $400.00. They immediately went down a path of suspecting she had cancer, or irritable bowl syndrome, even though it was completely sudden onset after I brought home a kitten 3 weeks ago. My thought was, it was a virus of some sort, or the fact she'd been drinking what turned out to be soapy water out of my tub.\r
She went home but was still having diarreah and was not eating or drinking the next day. I brought her back and they gave me a laundry list of things they could do-feeding tubes, ultrasounds, colonoscopy. They kept her overnight, gave her IV fluids and administered the antibiotics through the IV. That cost another $800+. \r
As some of the other reviews have stated, this clinic pushes panic on owners, and is very high cost. I was ready to put my cat down based on their gloom and doom scenario-until I told them I cou