My friend, who has a single wide, run down, older mobile home in a Placerville Mobile home park. , at best is worth $8,000. Her air conditioning went out,, Her only income is her SS,.... Gilmore came out and gave her an estimate for $11,000. She gave them $1,000 and was going to put the rest on her credit card. When friends found out, they tried to talk her out of the contract, but she felt she had signed and it was her responsibility. This was on a Wed and the installation was set up for Friday, 1.5 days later,. We finally talked her to cancelling the contract and Gilmore came right out and attempted to convince her to keep the contract,., When she held her to her guns, he got extremely furious, The manager gardener and owner of the mobile home park were staying close to this lovely 85 year old lady. Gilmore came out of her house and said, " are you the financial agent that talked her into cancelling her contract?" He then proceeded to get back in his truck and pulled out a tazer gun and headed toward the men. The owner stepped out and told him to get the @@#$! out of the park don't come back! as he was leaving he threatened them. The sheriff was called. We don't know if this person has been fired or not. Lots of witnesses, How unethical can you get !!