he was rude at hello, I tried to put him up to date with the situation on my microwave and he said that someone was going to come out here and buff it, and that my grill was already ready, so when I asked if the new one came in he said that I wasn't getting a new one, my old one was fixed, and I said, ""I thought I was getting a new one, the lady said she need my old one so she could get the exact same one"" he replied, ""no she never said that I was right here when she was talking to you and she never said that"" so from there you get the idea of the kind of call we had, he basically said that everything that I was saying could not be true and that how would I proove that they broke the grill and that they scratched the door that I could have been the one to cause those damages. I even cried because I could not tell this man what I really felt like telling him, and at first he insisted that he would be the judge of the outcome, that my satisfaction was no good because the microwave was over a year old, that I had to be ""leniant"" and take the results. I thought that by calling the extended warranty number I was getting Lowe's, not true that's another company, and aparantly they don't care either, in nice words and nice tones they basically said what ever the shop said was going to be done was the way to go. So I was getting the short end of the stick from everywhere so upset that not even the extended warranty would really protect me, I called the Lowe's store where I purchased my microwave told them the story, gave them a copy of the other reviews on this site and said to them, this is who is representing you, and after a tec tried to buff the door and did not work, and after seeing that the way they fixed the grill was by putting some melted poly something plastic on there that could be seen from the outside, I called them back and the manager said that I will no longer have to deal with theese people and they gave me a new microwave exactly like the one I had.
Pros: avoid it
Cons: avoid it