In a world suffocated by evil, malaise, and Fox News, (is that redundant?) AVL is a like a breath of fresh air, a beacon of light, a turducken wrapped in bacon, a get the's something pretty damn good. Seriously though, these guys are real-world super heroes. For example:
MISTRESS BOOKARA: Born with an uncanny ability to organize, schedule moves, and provide extremely responsive communication, Mistress Bookara's magic touch will leave you feeling at complete ease as your move approaches.
PULLEY-ANA : Beneath his mild-mannered exterior lies a genius in the field of quantum sofa mechanics. Faced with a inertia-resistant couch of seemingly infinite mass, Pulley-ana quickly rigged a complex series of pulleys and ties that safely lowered the behemoth to the ground off a 2nd floor balcony.
ROLLING ROCK: Like Ali, this guy is so fast that when he turns the light off at night he's in bed before it gets dark. When this guy builds up speed he can't be stopped. Just sit back and marvel as your boxes fly quickly, but safely to and from the moving truck. His speed, along with the rest of the crew, simply defies comprehension. After all, aren't guys who work by the hour supposed to move SLOWER? In fact my entire move including loading, unloading, and furniture arranging (how about a little to the left...), took less than 2.5 hours.
So the next time you want a fast, stress-free move at a reasonable price, screw the bat signal and flick on the AVL signal. A crew of supermovers from AVL will be at your service in no time.