I have no idea what you are all talking about. ASC is the best of the best. Their neurologists are top notch, as well as the other supporting doctors, vet technicians, ICU staff, and reception staff. They do not sugar coat it. I have had both a successful and not successful treatment of a pet.
The first dog, we and they, tried everything to save her. She had a brain tumor, but it was so advanced that she still passed away. But, had she not been misdiagnosed by Red Bank Animal Hospital in Red Bank, NJ, she might have survived with quick intervention of ASC.
Our second dog is still being treated by ASC. He is one of the successful Cyberknife candidates. His tumor is in remission.
I do not have any problems with billing, nor doctors returning calls. I have no idea what you all are talking about.
We travel about an hour to get to ASC from NJ. I wish they were closer, but it really doesn't matter, since they do have the best of the best working for them. If you have any problems and you address it with one of the founders and practicing vets, Dr. Richard Joseph or Dr. Jason Berg, they do take it seriously and get to the bottom of it.
I wonder why you are so disgusted with these doctors and this hospital. I know you can't please everyone all the time.
I have pet insurance and over 80% of my bills are reimbursable.
And, I'm no shill for ASC, as I have had both a positive and negative result of treatment options they use. But, I never blamed them for my first dogs demise.
I'm sorry to report that our dog passed away on November 15, 2010. We found out recently, after my dog got sick, that the tumor was completely gone. He developed something that ASC really didn't know. They think he developed a post-radiation inflammatory/immune response at the base of the brain, no where near the site of the tumor. They tried everything to cure/save him, but he expired in their care. We were there when he left us. He developed these complications in May 2010, but was gone by November 2010.
We are not sure if there was another tumor, in a different location, or just a post-cyberknife reaction. They did NOT recommend cyberknife again, as they felt they were attacking it from all avenues. Would I do it again? Definitely. I think the cyberknife is still too new a procedure, for pets, where all the risks/complications aren't documented enough
The staff and doctors are exceptional there and very compassionate. His primary neurologist, Dr. Berg, couldn't even call us after he passed away. He was so upset. Our dog was a one of a kind. I did go to see the emergency vet, Dr. Wagner, weeks later. She is so nice. She told me to call or email or stop by any time. I like them all so much. I still have to go back and see Dr. Berg. I recommend them to anyone.
We also did holistic treatments and the doctors at ASC will not take all the credit for getting rid of the tumor They give partial credit to our wonderful holistic vet.