I recently moved to Charlotte and was getting set up with new doctors. I chose University Psychiatric mainly because I was somewhat familiar with the part of town it was in. I had read the lousy reviews online, but chocked them up to disgruntled clients. Then, I had my. first visit with Jeanmarie Roberts. To this day, I can't tell if she was really there, as in mentally present, in the room as I spoke. She would respond to my statements with things like ""Yes, ma'am"" and ""Well I don't know, let me look it up on the most basic questions."" She did not prescribe anything new at the time, but when I came back a couple weeks later, she referenced her handy dandy manual and she tripled the dosage of two medications I was on. Within a couple weeks of the increases, I had become a zombie. I contacted my prior provider and when she learned the dosages I was on, she was shocked. Although I realize it's not possible to understand a patiently entirely in the first couple visits, but the prescribing mistakes she made were in excusable. I never got to meet the great Dr. Lombardi...doesn't sound like I missed much.