I had a solid 25 lbs to lose after my second baby. And let's face it, no time or energy to be whipping together healthy meals or counting points. In three months, I lost all 25 lbs and haven't exercised. I know, I should exercise too. And I hope to get to that. But just by eating the food, the weight came off. I didn't have to think about it, worry about it, etc. The first week or so can be tough -- especially coming off of pregnant/nursing HUGE meals, but I supplemented with fruit or veggies when I was hungry, and by the second week, I was completely satiated just eating my meals and snacks. Doing the FD has made me realize what a portion size should look like, and how good good food can make you feel. (Case in point -- on vacation last week and was missing FD -- felt sluggish eating vacation food...) I highly, highly recommend the FD for new moms looking to shed the pounds. It may seem pricey at first glance, but if you get a good promotion, the cost is basically the same as other large diets (Jenny Craig, etc.) and all of your fruits and veggies (and prep time!) are included. Couldn't recommend it more...just wish I could do it year-round!
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