I love Aveda and Tangerine but this is the second time I have come into the store to take advantage of one of the specials and been disappointed. The first time, I made an appointment for a hair cut using a first time service discount and did not get the discount because although I emailed the coupon in my appointment request, I did not print it out and present it when I checked out. This time, I came in to purchase a few stocking stuffer's and gifts. I was told that you get a $20 gift card with any of the seasonal gift packages so I picked one up for my sister. I checked out and asked if she could use the gift card in Vegas at an Aveda and was told no, it is only for Tangerine. I thought, oh well, I'll use it. I was shocked when I got home and found that it was actually a coupon- not a gift card. The "gift card" is 2 $10 dollar off a service that can not be used together. It is not a gift card and it is not for $20. It is a coupon and it is worth $10. Please call it what it is, don't deceive customers. I would have bought the gift set anyway, that was my intention. I just now feel bitter that I thought I was getting this great deal and instead was deceived.