Talis Management might make the HOA folks happy, but for residents it's pretty horrid. As ironic as it sounds, Talis seriously lacks basic management skills: coordinating, scheduling, communicating, and quality control. If you are retired or at home during traditional working hours, don't expect to ever be able to use your yard or other outside areas during the weekday. Not unless you're okay with having your lawn party interrupted by unannounced workers. These spontaneous visits can happen on Saturday as well. Nothing quite like waking up to the sight of a bunch of strangers on ladders outside your bedroom window. You can figure this will happen at least once or twice a month, always without notice. You will learn to love rainy days, for rain means no unanticipated property crawlers. The quality of the workmanship also leaves much to be desired. One unannounced project involved repairs to a perfectly fine chimney. After blowing soot and ashes down the chimney into the living room, they managed to misalign the chimney cap when putting it back on, resulting in ongoing problems with wind and rain. The only option - hire a crew to come in behind the Talis Management crews to repair the damage they cause. An expensive option to be sure. I do not recommend Talis Management whatsoever.