There is not a worst place to rent EVER!!!
They treat you some what friendly before you sign the lease, they say that what ever problem the house may have they would fix it before you move in. LIARS....When i rented the house I was told that the lawn would be mower, the dishwasher fixed and some other minor work done before we moved in. We move day came and nothing was done, they had even remove the stove, I had no hot water, and the grass was as high as my hips. When I call Tracy, the girl that showed me the house, said that it was not her problem anymore, that I had to deal with Oliver. When I spoke with him, he ask me if i was sure I did not have a stove, I told him that I was standing on a empty space and yes there was no stove, his replay: ""are you sure"" for the love of God, are U kidding me? just 2 weeks later we had problems with the septic tank, It took them 2 days to send someone, I had a Hole in my back yard for 2 weeks before they send someone else to redo the tanks, 2 Weeks I was not able to flush the toilets, only once a day, I had to go to friend to take showers and to wash cloth, and Did i mention that I was pregnant and had a 3 year old. At the end of the tank nightmare my backyard was destroyed. And that was only the tip of the iceberg many big issue came later and not one was ever fixed.
The owner of Renter Paradise, Francis, is a horrible man, and his office manager Lorraine is biggest B ach I have ever meet. After I left the property I ask for my deposit, They said that they do not deposits back, that the owner of the property was the one to give it back if there was something left. I mean day are good taking money, but horrible giving it back.
Hear my warning, do not rent from them. I do not blame the owner of the property, I meet him and he was real nice, but the property manager is another story. So beware of Renter Paradise, do not go there.
Pros: ahhhh....None
Cons: I do not have much space to write them