This company employs unprofessional, overly pushy realtors that make promises and do things behind your back. If you want a pleasant experience avoid them. It is not worth the misery.
On April 27, my husband and I looked at an apartment in Park Slope and did not like the older kitchen and bathroom. We left and Garrison called and said another couple was coming in 10 minutes & they?d surely take it. I told him our concerns and he said that the landlord would re-do the bathroom and replace the oven and floors, all reasonable requests, he called them. We came back to look and he said that the couple was inside looking and we went in and nobody was there. He lied to our faces. We should have known then to walk away.
We made a list of 11 things to change and were instructed to give a deposit and wait until the landlord agreed to our requests to submit the app and do the credit check. I was forced to fill out an application online at the office and put in my social security number. I refused because I didn?t want my credit checked. Garrison said I had to in order to submit the online app but assured me he?d wait to run my credit until we heard from the landlord. Another guy took my deposit and credit check fee and again I said I didn?t want my credit checked and Garrison said not to worry, he?d take care of it.
That night a man named Anthony called me and said he would talk to the landlord for me and asked me for my list which I'd purposely made copies of. I gave Anthony my list and he texted me the next day that the landlord would paint. I called and said he wasn?t going to do enough so we wanted to let the apartment go. Anthony said he had my deposit and credit in case we found something else. I was shocked that he ran my credit without asking me! Garrison hadn?t told him anything he?d promised. Anthony said the landlord wouldn?t have discussed a thing without my full application and credit (which Garrison never told me) and said our requests were unreasonable (the opposite of what garrison had said). Neither took responsibility for this horrible situation and both argued and yelled at me for no reason because they have nothing to do with returning deposits anyway.
I told my story to Sarah and Todd on May 10 when I picked up my deposit, minus the credit check fee, who were very apologetic. She was shocked that they?d promised not to run my credit and did it behind my back. She and Todd said that the realtor I dealt with was not representative of the company. She said she?d call me back that afternoon after talking to the broker, Val. She didn?t give me a number to call and never called me. I called May 12 and she started to say that the broker wasn?t on my side but the call was dropped and she hasn?t called me back and is not answering my calls.
This was the worst experience I have had with a professional business and I wouldn?t wish it on anyone.