Hello to all would be customers,
It seems people want to post negative reviews only when they don't get their way. Anger, denial, and lies are what the truth turns into when a customer does not get his/her way. Being in this business hands on for the past 13 years, I know what damages a dry cleaner can and cannot do to clothing. In fact, I have fixed, replaced, repaired many garments that I knew we could not have damaged if the customer was a loyal customer out of goodwill. There are times though when a customer comes and does not want to hear that a zipper on a pair of pants after 20 years can and do wear out, or a button can break or come loose after years (in case of cheap shirts, after first or second wear) of wear, and that some decorations/trims cannot even be cleaned at all. WE cleaners are here to service your valued garments and will do what it takes to take care of them, but please understand that items can wear out over time and in some cases wear out much faster. And please do not accuse your cleaners of tearing, bleaching, or scorching your garments.
Dry cleaning business has been around for many decades and the machines are not made to tear clothes. Bleaching is a no no in dry cleaning because we know if a bleach gets on a garment we will have to replace it. As an owner we make sure bleach is only used by one person and its in a red bottle to make sure no one else has access to it. Scorching occurs at temperatures over 280 degrees f. Our hottest presses are at no more than 250 degrees so scorching never will happen at our cleaners. ALL the irons we use are professional grade and have teflon shoes on them.
To educate yourself in the dry cleaning process and garments please visit a Better Business Bureau website and type: dry cleaning. This article was created by the Better Business Bureau concerning clothing, the dry cleaning, and what to do if something becomes damaged.
As a professional cleaner, it is my job to educate consumers about the dry cleaning industry and if I can answer any questions or concerns (even about another cleaner) I will be more than happy to give you an independent opinion as to what happened to the garment.