If you are interested in selling your things here, find somewhere else. If you are just going to shop it's not bad.\r
Unless you don't have any interest in knowing what happens to your stuff and how much they sold if for DON'T consign here.\r
Here's how Passages works, you bring your stuff to them, they go through and decide what they think they can sell for and give you back what is leftover. So far, so good but thats where it ends.\r
They do not give you any kind of receipt that they have your items, one slip of paper is attached to ALL your items behind a counter so if it gets misplaced you are out of luck, at that point they have no way of knowing who owns what. I suspect that has happened more than once, but since you are not given any kind of access as to what sold, what was reduced after a few weeks or what went to Good Will you just have to take their word for it. Your word against theirs if your stuff vanishes. Which brings me to the next Red Flag.\r
I had consigned there for more than a year, I brought household items, FURNITURE, clothes you name it. Obviously the furniture items sold since they accepted them on the spot, and I noticed they were no longer on the floor about 2 weeks later. Shame on me for not getting the money right away but I deceided to ""let it ride"" as they always say there and didn't even inquire as to how much they got for all the furniture . My bad.\r
When I did go in a month or 2 later, I was anticipating a substantial amount of $ on my account (Again, you can not access anything , you have to go down and ask them) Imagine my surprise when they told me I had $36.00 on account.\r
$36.00 DOLLARS????!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? They sold my furniture, upscale house holditems and a ton of clothes...even if everything I ever brought them sold for 75% off there is no way it only equaled $36.00 after their cut. When I said that could not be possible, I was basically told that's what it is take it or leave it.\r
I know I can't be the only person this ever happened to...when I was there there was a woman inquiring about her balance, she was told $142...she said "" $142.00? Great"", the the woman behind the counter said, ""No, $1.42"" You could tell the woman was stunned, but honestly I was wakling out of the store when it happened so I don't know what happened after she got over her shock.\r
Red Flag #2, when you sign the consignment agreement you are given a card, it clearly states on it that after a 7 days grace period, beyond the initial 60 day consignment, if you do not pick the unsold items it ""will be donated to local charitable organization, IN YOUR NAME AND WE WIL MAIL YOU THE TAX RECEIPT. "" I have never once received any receipt from Passages let alone for tax purposes.\r
Take a pass on Passages and go somewhere else.\r