I like many other people fell behind on my gas bill.Nicor sent a rep out on August 19th to disconnect my gas service.The rep came out in plain clothes,no i.d. visible, in a plain vehicle, with lock cutters in hand. After asking several times what are you doing? why are you cutting my lock he never answered.He cut the lock off the gate,by this tie i'm on the phone with the police,and the man is pulling and physically yanking on me,he was not only physically abusing but verbally abusive as well..he never showed i.d. until he heard the dispatcher state the police will be arriving soon, then he pulled out the i.d, covering up his name only showing his picture..I am currently trying to reach someone at Nicor they are not responsive after several phone attempts. WHAT ELSE WILL THE UTILITY COMPANIES DO NEXT..THEY HAVE ALEADY RESULTED TO BREAKING & ENTERING I GUESS NEXT IT WILL BE TO ASSAULT YOU AND ANYONE ELSE TO GAIN ACCESS TO WHAT THEY WANT.