All of the preceding reviews are absolutely true. He lies and threatens. He and his staff are rude. He spies on his tenants, unlocks their doors, sometimes in the middle of the night, and has a history of sending harassing text messages in the middle of the night. As previously noted by another user, he appears to have a vile temper and a personality disorder. If you are young, yes, he will attempt to take advantage, possibly charging you for utilities you should not be paying for (i.e. water), keeping a security deposit that should be returned, or having you thrown out for false violations of your lease. He also seems to target single women and single mothers. I agree with user PaulBanks, his business should fail. Unfortunately Citysearch Reviews will not accomplish this. I hope that everyone mistreated by him finds the courage to make formal complaints to the enteties that ensure him his licensure. Entities such as the Lousiana Board of Realtors and the New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors (NOMAR. org). I have already done this, but unfortunately nothing will be done unless a number of formal complaints occur to establish a paper trail within a specific time period. If anyone needs help with accomplishing this, I can be reached at mgpcomplainhelp@hotmail. com.