This place is great. You negative people are retarded. Seriously, in comparision, ALL PET STORES have some sick animals, and it happens. I can't tell you how many times I've bought a fish or hampster or lizard from a commercial retailer (PetSmart, Petco) that was super sick or just died a few days after getting it. Pets are fragile and finicky, especially the exotic ones. Nearly every time I walk into either of those stores I see a very sick or dead reptile. It's really upsetting and unfortunate, I agree, but dont take it out on this one store. They are really a great place. Small business's struggle, and we've all been in those smelly Mark's Arks and stuff where there's only 2 people manning the whole store, they're both underage, and couldnt care less about your needs. Incredible Pets in different in that they are trying. They want the best! And they want you to have the best experience. I have talked at length with a few of their employees and its a good team. If you've got a problem, talk to the manager or owner, tell them how you feel and tell them what you think they can change to make it better. Constructive criticism is always good for a business with this low of a rating :/ \r
They have a great variety of pets, smells fine, stays clean, their exotics are fun and interesting. My only beef is the dogs. They are all purebred and I would ask where they came from. Puppy Mills are definitely not acceptable, but good luck trying to find the breeds they sell anywhere else in the state.\r
I give 5 stars because it far exceeds the rest.