After our yellow lab passed of old age our home felt so empty! Missing her I went to just look at the pups to raise my spirits! After visiting for a while I spotted the kittens! One I absolutely fell in-love with but I felt we may not be ready yet for another pet. But the whole next day I had that kitten on my mind & after work decided to surprise my kids! He was about $100.00 which is a lot for a kitten mix but I didn't care because he was so amazing! I brought him home & never have I seen such long faces change to pure excitement! Finally some positive energy had come our way! I had done the right thing! But by the next evening I noticed the little guy didn't look as perky then all night long he cried & threw up. I had told them at purchase if he became sick I would bring him back but they weren't open & he was ill so my boyfriend and I rushed him to the ER vet where I was informed he had panleukopenia a highly contagoius virus. We sat there in shock! The vet said they could help him but it would cost $1000. plus for treatment w/ no gaurantee he would make it. By this time Incredible pets had opened so I called & informed them. She told me I could bring him back & get another. Seriously would I even consider that? THIS KITTEN was the ONLY reason I bought one! So she said they could try to save him...they had ways treating him and if he survived I could take get him back. Reluctantly I returned him in hopes for the best. She told me to say goodbye & I burst into tears! I called the next day and w/ no emotion was told he didn't make it. We are all devastated. More impotantly now I am concerned about the other kittens that were there. He was a simese mix 8 wks old. He had siblings & there were several tabbys from another litter there too. If you purchased a kitten recentley please read up on this virus & watch for signs! I don't want this to happen to anyone else! Our refund is nothing to what we feel emotionally not to mention $130. vet bill.