I had multiple sales people team up on me to sell me a car I didn't really want. They were deceitful on the price, kept making stupid arguments, and would hardly listen to my firm price limit. They also broke at least a couple of laws in how they handled the sale (missing legally required paperwork). I would have to ask them for any extra paperwork half a dozen times, and sometimes go to a manager.
When they finalized everything, I ended up with a used Jetta that only had 1 key (they cost around $300 from the dealer), no owners manual, I had to talk to someone from the bank that owns their cars to get a door fixed that they had already ""fixed"" once before I bought the car, and they didn't get us the paperwork to title and license the car until 40 days after the purchase (past the 30-day deadline for registering it). Thankfully Northtowne Volkswagen gave us an extra key, an owners manual, and an apology in addition to fixing the door, since the Honda dealer couldn't do the work. Northtowne just made Honda pay for it.
October 1st they got the notice canceling the extended service contract and gap insurance. They messed up the payment twice on the gap insurance, and I still don't have the full amount, when it's almost June. They have yet to pay me anything for the extended service contract.
The first time I contacted them about any of it, they tried to tell me that I needed to do more than what required by the legally binding contract, and fulfilling it wasn't enough. Most of the other times they just tell me they're still waiting on the other companies to get back to them with information, which is probably a lie, since it usually takes me two minutes to get the information. They're also trying to charge me a cancellation fee on the service contract, when the contract doesn't allow one in Missouri, and deny me from collecting on the 10% penalty per month that gets assessed by Missouri law. When I checked last month, the company managing the service contract still had it listed as active.
Even if they take so long that they have to refund the cost of the car in penalties, buying from them won't have been worth the hassle. Having to give them a star out of 5 is too much.
Pros: Fair price after ONLY 3 hours of haggling
Cons: Won't give me my $4250 from warranty.