My wife owns a house managed by Hawthorne Management Company. The deed is only in her name. She is the Lot-owner of Record with HMC. She is the only contact individual at HMC. I called HMC and they provided me with all of her account information including an alternate address and confidential and private financial information in violation of HMC Fiduciary Duty. \r
HMC Legal Liaison staff-member provided me with legal advice over out 15 minute conversation and she is not a lawyer and should have known better as she has been in this administrative position as Legal Liaison with HMC for over six-years. I complained to the Better Business Bureau this week and off course they deny my complaint. HMC states, ‘Members of our staff routinely interact with the homeowners about amounts owed to the association and try to assist where we can, but certainly do not represent ourselves as legal professionals providing legal advice. If an association has hired an attorney to assist with the collection of amounts owed, Hawthorne Management Company provides that information to the owner in written notices and must refer any calls or correspondence to that attorney once the matter has been referred to them.\r
Yet, in my case this is not what they did. The staff-member and I (a Non-Lot Owner) discussed another person’s account for 15-minutes according to my phone records. HMC’s Legal Liaison spoke to me, a male, for 15 minutes assuming but not asking that this deep mono-tuned and clearly male voice is Zarina a female name and the only Lot-owner of Record. She never questioned this fact and fed me any information I desired. Suppose I was a stalker, this HMC employee provided the alternate address on this client to a 3rd party. Very sloppy and negligent work on HMC's Legal Liaisons behalf! \r
HMC is all about creating a false façade of perfection and deny any wrongdoing just as I have quoted them above with the BBB. They know nothing. Look over the Internet; you will see countless complaints about them.\r