Fenway with my dad in the 80's, these are memories that can't be replaced. Truth is this place is not worth visiting anymore. Tickets,parking,food,for one game is the highest in league.If you can even ticket, they are all sold out to corporate.I'm treated like a terrorist if I want a beer because I have a NH license, they don't accept that and food, big bucks.Bathrooms/Seating sucks Don't let you in anymore to see batting practice/warmup.Parking wretched, take the green line and cram in.Those great suasage vendors.Go elsewhere. Pittsburgh is amazing. Miss the Big O, served beer right at your seats, as many you wanted,there was no cut off,for less than 20bucks I could sit back and V. Guerro do his warm ups in the outfield yards away. New stadium in Manchester, Fishercats, can't wait to relax, bring the kids, sip a beer, hold the wife and watch Americas past time.
Pros: tradition
Cons: price