I generally like these guys, but I have to agree with some of their critics on a few points. I did my first HSC test at this shop a number of years ago, when I was sampling different handguns for potential future purchase. I found the operator there to be courteous and helpful, eager to show me a few guns after I passed the test, but I wasn't ready to purchase anything at that point, and I told him so. I'm sure he was disappointed, but he was cool about it, and I appreciated that.
After spending a substantial amount of time and money sampling different firearms (mostly at the indoor range at Shooter's Paradise in Oxnard), I finally decided on the Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm (full size) as my first handgun.
As all shooters in Santa Barbara know, we have no indoor range here, and the outdoor range at Winchester Canyon (outside the City, on land controlled by the Los Padres National Forest and Chumash Indians) has no onsite firearm sales or rentals. That situation utterly SUCKS, and it's due to a combination of lack of affordable commercial space for such a facility, and idiotic local politics. SB politicians are generally liberal to the point of insanity, and genetically hostile toward ALL guns and ALL gun owners. None of them are interested in doing gun owners any favors, despite the fact that a disproportionate percentage of their tax revenue is probably extracted from the very same citizens. But I digress ...
As bad as I might feel for how tough it probably is for the guys at Far West to profitably run a gun dealership in a communist enclave like Santa Barbara, no one likes getting raked over the coals when they buy a firearm. After my first HSC expired, I went back to Far West to re-take my test. This time, I was told I couldn't take the test at all, unless I was doing so in conjunction with a firearm purchase, and told they were ""forced"" to do this because the California DOJ had been purposely delaying distribution of handgun safety certificates to CA gun dealers. Mmm-hmm. Strike one.
I looked at the S&W 9mm they had on display. It was sticker priced around $650, which, after tax and DOJ fees, would have left me stuck paying over $700 ""out the door."" Strike two.
Since I couldn't take my HSC test there, and I wasn't ready to plunk down $700 for the S&W they had on hand without first doing some comparison shopping, I decided to wait for the next gun show in Ventura, and sniff around down there. The ""new"" guys from Island View Enterprises had a very nice display at the show, and they were happy to administer my HSC renewal test right then and there, no purchase required, and no BS about HSC rationing by the CA DOJ. After I passed the test and got my new HSC, I took a look at the handguns they had on display, which included the exact firearm I wanted ... their price tag: $499. For Far West, Strike 3.
I bought the firearm from Island View on the spot, though I would have preferred to buy it from Far West. I would have paid a LITTLE more to support the local shop, but not $150 more on a $500 firearm.
I like Far West, it's a good shop, knowledgeable ownership, with a long history in Santa Barbara. But the patience of local customers has its limits. A word to the wise, fellas ... we're not ""cheap"" ... we just don't like being lied to and taken advantage of in exchange for the supposed ""privilege"" of dealing with the City's ONLY licensed gun dealer.
P.S. Island View Enterprises is scheduled to open a brand new indoor shooting range at its Ventura retail location in March 2012 ...