I'm in no way affiliated with this shop in any shape or form and I am new to this sport. I just wanted to say that they've been very helpful during my resto project and their handgun selection is very nice considering the town - if any of the Far West guys frequent this site - thanks for the great advice on the stock refinishing! She's coming out great. Im the tall guy with the ridiculously plad shorts and a beard , just picked up some sealer/filler and true oil this afternoon and im almost done and the stock is looking wonderful without losing any character! all of your advice has been more helpful then you know! Sorry for mostly a useless post. Im also a huge motorcycle enthusiast and from that experience, ""its usually the best shops no one talks about, while everyone complains about the bad ones. I just wanted to do the rare thing and mention these guys are doing a great job and were really helpful. I've been in there 3x for small purchases and each time they were more then happy to help me out and answer any questions - today being purchase #3 - trumped all prior : The gentleman helping me was great, mid conversation as i was finalizing a sale and we were discussing some stock care issues....I mentioned i was refurbishing a 8mm mauser stock. He stopped processing the sale ( i was purchasing a 5$ bottle of true oil ) and looked at me with a concerned face and the conversation went as follows:him ""wait, have you used a sealer on the stock yet?""me ""ahh no i thought the true oil was a curing and sealing agent""him "" oh no no no you need a filler and sealer""me: ""well i dont want a filler, i want to preserve all marking and dents""him :"" no no its referring to the grain. You should really use this prior to the oil""me: ""ok i'll take your word for it thanks sir"" 1.5hrs later the sealer has dried and my first layer of true oil it - looks superb. I owe them one. sorry for the ridiculously happy thread - i just wanted to give them my thanks in a public way. They have really been good to my newb. Thank you Far West Gun and Supply !!!!