Competition is required urgently to combat this local overcharging.\r
I’m not a gunsmith but I am retired Army (Active Duty 22 years) and I am very much familiar with weapons. I have several rifles, shotguns, and pistols that I’ve purchased over the years. I say this just to let you know that I’m experienced with purchasing of firearms.\r
I was looking for a BodyGuard .38 Smith &Wesson Special + P for my wife for home defense so I went to Far West Gun and Supply to purchase this revolver. The quote I was given from an employee at Far West Gun & Supply for the Smith & Wesson BodyGuard .38 + P was $599.00 (BEFORE TAXES); the “out the door” price was $673.00.\r
Far West is the only “game” in Santa Barbara right now! Rick Dodge at Dodge City lost his license to sell several years ago (right now the reason doesn’t matter). Rick Helfrich at Goleta Valley Gun & Supply had his license suspended because he incorporated but didn’t properly prepare the paperwork but will have his license reinstated on February 1st. SO, THERE’S NO COMPETION FOR FAR WEST GUN & SUPPLY IN THE SANTA BARBARA AREA RIGHT NOW. \r
I called Island View Enterprises in Ventura (www.venturagunstore) and they quoted an “out the door” price of $545.00 for the same S&W BodyGuard .38 ($128.00 less than Far West).\r
The next day I went back to Far West and spoke with the owner, Jerry (and not the employee) and tried to “haggle” with him for the S&W BodyGuard .38 and his reply was, “don’t bother ‘cause it won’t work”. I explained to Jerry that I called Island View Enterprises in Ventura and they quoted an “out the door” price of $545.00 for the same S&W BodyGuard .38 but I wanted to keep it local and buy the S&W BodyGuard .38 in Santa Barbara. I asked Jerry if he could reduce the price of the S&W BodyGuard .38 to $600.00 (which I thought was a more than fair price) and I would buy it then and there. Jerry’s reply was NO. He said he pays taxes and rent in Santa Barbara and that he sets his prices and that he’ll have no problem selling the S&W BodyGuard .38 at his price ($673.00) (does he think he can hang any price on a gun and people will line up to pay for them). If Jerry can sell a gun to people for $1,000 but only pays $300 for that same gun, he is going to do it, it's called “FREE MARKET”. Learn it. Live it. Love it. BUT, I'll take my business to a less expensive (FAIR PRICED) “free market” where they have a reasonable “mark up” (due to less expensive rent and payroll of course), it’s called a “SUPPLY AND DEMAND”. If Jerry at Far West can charge outrageous prices and people are dumb enough to pay them then by all means sell them at that price. Jerry will make more money for himself and pay his employees better. \r
I had always heard the standard markup on a firearm was between 10% and 15% above dealer cost but Far West was asking for 25% “mark up” ($163 over MSRP). The MSRP from Smith & Wesson for the BodyGuard .38 Special + P is $509.00\r
Next, I went to Goleta Valley Gun & Supply and spoke with the owner, Rick Helfrich, and told him what Far West was charging for the S&W BodyGuard .38 Special + P and you could see the shock on his face, he couldn’t believe how much there “mark up” was. Then he went to the back and brought out the same S&W BodyGuard .38 Special + P that he has in stock and handed it to me and said his “out the door” price is $572.00. Rick said he will be getting his license back on February 1st so I decided to wait and purchase the BodyGuard .38 from Rick at Goleta Valley Gun & Supply (keeping it “local”).\r
Now a word to the wise: Only fools and desperate people pay sticker price for a firearm. Shopping around for the best deal is the only option other than getting a FFL and buying wholesale. You can also discover the wonder that is the online firearms auction sights (GunAmerica, AuctionArms, or Gunbroker) \r