Pertaining to the comments of PJN, our company is running an incredible promotion with set, and published, pricing that make it extremely easy for customers as they shop. We are advertising this promotion very aggressively and our message is very clear as we were pushing for a simplified approach to a perceived difficult process. After calculating a customer?s square footage, and discussing others specifics of the project, we provide a worksheet with approximate pricing based on the lay-out information provided by the customer. We're absolutely clear on our pricing and try to avoid games so to create an extremely positive sales environment within our showroom. The specific poster in question was provided a one-day offer which was clearly outlined to him as such. We extended that offer an additional day when he called back later in the day to discuss further. When he returned, nearly two weeks later, he had an additional list of demands to be met at the same price which we could not accommodate. This is not to discount the perceived experience of this customer but to air out the true processes we have carefully put in place to create an excellent experience for all! Thank you, Colonial Marble Management