Let us set the record straight about whether Dr. Sam is a DVM. His BVSc degree is the absolute equivalent of a DVM in foreign countries, including England, and should be considered as such in the US. \r
When he was granted his BVSc in 1993 from Purdue University, the US required that all aspiring vets who had not attended four years of a veterinary program here must spend at least one of year of clinical practice at an accredited veterinary university. He did that at Purdue. He passed. He graduated. He took the NJ licensing test and passed. He is absolutely, positively qualified to practice veterinary medicine in the state of NJ.\r
We have been taking our beloved dog to Dr. Sam for four years and have had nothing but positive experiences. The other day, I googled his phone number because I didn't have it handy, and I came across these reviews. I was horrrified, thinking we had been taking our pet to someone who was not qualified. AND THAT IS NOT TRUE. I was actually so conc