Dr. Walter Root practiced on me and his recommendation sent me to the ER. I find out from another doctor, who was on call, that he wasn't licensed by the state health board, yet he perscribed and diagnosed me and many individuals. This not only worsened my anxiety and stress, but sent me to the ER where I dealt with even more medical bills and judgemental discrimmination based on the nature of the diagnosis. No License!? The medication he perscribed exceeded the amount of medication my body could handle. One particular medication made me feel as though i was heavily sedated and out of my own body. I called and reported this, but Dr. Root said ""stay with it"". Although this may sound pleasing, to hear from an on call doctor about his license? Then when i confront Dr. Root, he laughed and said the on call doctor had murdered two people the week before due to medication! I know it's a big city, but that would have been on the news! I'm not that ""mental"".