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Ace Discount Glass & Doors


6308 Spicewood Springs Rd
Austin, TX 78759

(512) 345-3105
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Ace Discount Glass & Doors - Austin, TX
Ace Discount Glass & Doors - Austin, TX
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This morning for some reason my passenger side door would not close so we went to Ace Discount Glass. The man we talked to was very professional and helpful, showing me how to fix...


Had them replaced my window glass, service was ok

Screamed Twice 11/16/2009

Sunday Morning I awoke to a vandalized broken window in my Sentra. I screamed when I saw it. \r \r I called one company and they told me it would cost $349 to fix it...I screamed twice.\r \r Then I called Ace Discount Glass. They quoted me $169. In one hour it was all behind me. Ace is great!\r \r --[-@ Anna @-]-- Pros: Very reasonable prices more

WOW, so cheap 11/16/2009

Saved $53 to fix my door glass on my escort. So cool. Take it to ACE Discount Glass.\r \r Happy Student Pros: Great prices more

ACE was ok 11/15/2009

Had them replaced my window glass, service was ok more

Promise Kept 11/12/2009

I told you ACE Discount Glass I would write a good review for you. Thanks for fixing my car windshield. \r Ace is highly recommended.\r \r Sean Pros: Great Service more

Love my frameless shower 11/9/2009

My neighbor got a beautiful frameless shower. She told me she paid almost $2100 dollars. I felt like I would never have one myself, but I never gave up the dream. One day I see this truck with the words Ace Discount Glass at Rudy's. I thought it wouldn't hurt to talk to the young man. His name was AJ and he tells me he is the lead shower technician at Ace. So I talk to him about my shower and he tells me he can install my shower for 1488.88. I tried to keep my excitement down, because I thought his price might change when he saw my bathroom. Well, it didn't. It took over a week to order, but it was worth the wait. My shower is beautiful and it feels even better knowing I saved over $700. AJ you and Ace Rock Pros: Price and service more

Fixed my fogged windows 11/9/2009

I had 18 windows in my home that were fogged. I called a 3 glass companies who sent out sales guys to give me quotes. A guy named Jeremy came out from Ace Discount Glass and gave me a great price. He returned a week later and in less 4 hours I had beautiful new windows in my home. Thanks Ace and Jeremy Pros: excellent prices,quick and quality work Cons: Jeremy was an aggie fan more

Paid my Deductible 11/8/2009

My insurance company (State Farm) wanted me to pay $100 to fix my windshield. They even tried to push me to their ""preferred"" glass company. That didn't seem right to me, so I asked if I could take my car to any company I wanted. My insurance company gave me a bunch of bull on the phone, but finally said I could take it to another company as long as they were ""an approved vendor"". Well most companies were not on the ""approved"" list but Ace Discount Glass was. I talked to a man named Roy and he was very enthusiastic about getting my business. After asking me a dozen questions, he finally told me he cover half my deductible for me if I brought the car to his shop. I told him I live in San Marcos and he said that if I brought the vehicle to me he would pay the entire 100 deductible. So I went to his place, way up in North Austin, and to make a long story a little shorter, the installer did a great job. I ended up getting a new windshield for free. Thanks Pros: free windshield, quick service, and easy to deal with Cons: location was way up in north austin more

Naked Satisfaction 11/5/2009

I woke up bright an early one morning so I could make the long haul to work downtown (I live off of 360). There is nothing worse than opening your car up and feeling that ""breeze"" and realizing that your car has been broken into! \r \r I had just driven back from California (a two day trip) and took everything else in my house worth anything (thank GOD!) except my bag of clothes. Punks broke into the nice car next to me and didn't find anything so they turned around and broke into my hooptie and all they got was my bag of laundry (all my nice clothes of course!) \r \r So at 7am in the morning I had to call work and tell them I didn't know when I was coming in; then I called my friends boo hooing and I had no idea what to do next. One of the many I called, who actually answered that early, told me of a place near me; so I checked my seat for glass (tear) and drove there, crying, not even being able to look at the damn glass. (passenger side window thingy) that was busted to hell.\r \r When I got there, they amazingly had people there at 7:30am. Such nice guys got me a tissue to help with my blubbering and even fixed me up a cup of coffee. They quoted me like $130 bucks (I drive a early 2000 something Ford Taurus) and said they had the glass there in stock and could fix it in like 15 minutes.\r \r I have been to oil changing places with my car being the only one and it took like 45 minutes so I was the 15 minutes they had all the glass vacuumed up and the window fixed, they even gave my windshield a wipe down since it was a little grungy (I drive a hooptie I don't keep it very clean!) \r \r I was outta there and at work by 8:30ish. I searched later just in case to see if I got a good deal, and found out other places would have charged me more and didn't even have the glass in stock, they would have to drive to some warehouse and fetch it, I would have missed even more time from work!\r \r Moral of the story, go to ACE Discount Glass to get your glass needs taken care of (they do like house windows too and I saw a picture of a shower door as well-so for you peeps who can afford to have fancy showers give them a call) and always take your stuff in your house unless you want someone else wearing your clothes!!!\r \r Thank you men of ACE you guys ROCK!\r \r ~Naked yet satisfied!~ Pros: They had the glass in stock!!! more

Sunday Save 11/5/2009

Sunday morning I woke up to find my door glass broken. I tried calling glass companies from the yellow pages and only Ace was open. They had the door glass for my 300zx in their shop and fixed it in plenty of time for me to catch the Cowboys game. Pros: Open Sundays more

Way Cheaper at Ace Discount Glass 11/5/2009

The small triangular window in my 2006 Malibu was broken by some low life. Three different glass companies wanted between $450 and $550 to replace it. I couldn't believe it because it is so small. My boyfriend told me about Ace Discount Glass on Spicewood Springs Rd. They fixed it for $230 and it took less than 45 minutes. I would still have tape on the window if it weren't for Ace. Thanks. Lori Pros: Price, quick service more


This is the worst experience I have EVER had with ANY company. ACE Discount Glass and Doors!!!\r Well, long story short: one of the window glasses in my apartment ended up being replaced twice within half an hour. The first time, I broke it; it was my fault, no question about it. Later, apparently, the guy from ACE did a bad job in the replacement and the glass did not look stable to me at all. So I pushed the glass a bit trying to feel whether it’s tight, and the glass just fell down and got broken again. The guy was probably on his way back to ACE and I asked my landlord to call him back to replace the glass again. AT THAT TIME, he told me that the glue he used takes 24 hours to be cured.\r \r Later I received a bill with twice the charge of a single window. I think the second replacement was not totally my fault because 1) apparently the guy did not do a good job at the first time and that’s why the glass fell down so easily and got broken again 2) He did NOT tell me not to touch the glass within 24 hours UNTIL AFTER the second replacement.\r \r So later I called ACE a few times (512-345-3105) to discuss this issue and I got very angry when they insisted that the guy had told me not to touch the glass and I still touched it and broke it again! What a bunch of liars! I can swear to the GOD that that guy did not say A WORD after the first replacement!\r \r What’s more, they have no professionalism at all in dealing with customers. When I called, the best they did was to direct my call to A person and then A to B, B to C and so on… What made me even angrier was that they (more than one person, including that billing “lady” and a male “manager”) would make their argument to you, and then without saying goodbye or anything, abruptly hang up the phone before you respond! That’s just amazing! Again, more than one person, more than two times. In my opinion, that’s REALLY REALLU RUDE! \r \r In the past, I have had some bad experience with some companies. But now my knowledge and understanding of terrible company and terrible service people has been brought to a whole new level, thanks to Ace Discount Glass and Doors! I guess the scale here has to go from 0 to 5 starts, if there were an option of -5, I will give ACE that rating without any hesitation.\r Cons: LIARS, RUDE PEOPLE, BAD SERVICE more

I have to kinda agree with the reviews 4/5/2009

My car windshield was damaged in the hail 2 weeks ago. I got a mobile mechanic to come on and put on another one, but he did a *craptastic* job. The windshield was used and dirty, and he had no idea what he was doing, after putting it on, you could hear wind noise coming from the spaces in the windshield. I forked over $400 for the privilege of at least being able to use my car. I found these guys online (can't remember exactly how) and started talking with them. They immediately gave me a quote on the phone because they had my windshield in their store. And all I had to do was take it in. The problem was that because of the hailstorm, there were no rentals in town, so it was a bit tough for me to figure out what I was going to do. I must have called them about 3 times to nail down a good time to come in, the good thing was that everytime I called they knew who I was, but then they'd say they'd call me back and wouldn't, so I had to keep calling them (Patiently of course ... you get nowhere with attitude in working with car people, is what I've learned) to figure out what to do. Finally, after telling me they'd call me back on a Friday to figure out if one of their guys could come get my car, fix it and bring it back to me ... they call me on on Saturday, and tell me I can bring it in and they'll have it done by the end of the day. Luckily, my buddy was in town, so we took it over at about 2pm. They promised and swore up and down that they'd have the car for me by the end of the day (I really needed to have the car that evening). Then I called again at 5pm and they said it was almost ready. Then at 5:30pm they said they'd run into a problem and that I might have to leave my car over for a day, because the glue for putting the windshield on was sticky/messy and it was hard to get the trim on the glass back on properly. I stayed calm and told them I'd call back to after I'd decided what to do. When I call back, I ask what the ramifications of just having the windshield done with the sticky glue were (mess and all). They say, they'll give me a call back. Then they call and say, there was a miscommunication and the car is ready. I go over to pick up my car, and wind up paying $579, tax included (they had quoted me $599 w/o tax). Everybody there was pretty nice, and cool in person, but their customer service just needs some serious, serious work (the dude at the desk, answered 3 phone calls, while he was getting my car in, instead of putting them on hold to finish up with me). So far, it looks like they did a stellar job replacing the windshield though, and like I said, they were pretty cool dudes ... Your mileage may vary. Pros: They did good work (fingers crossed) Cons: Their customer service needs serious work. more

Amazing service! 7/19/2008

I had to break into my house last night (Friday) because I was locked out. I broke the bedroom window at 11 p.m. I called Ace Discount Glass at 8 a.m. Saturday morning, they said the repair person comes in at 8:30 and he would call me then. He (Derrick) called at 8:30 a.m. and said he had two other windows to fix but he would be over after those were fixed. I told him I had an appointment from 10-11 a.m., so he said he would come by at 11 a.m to replace the window. I gave him my address. When I returned to my home at 11 a.m., Derrick was waiting with his truck at my house, and he had FINISHED replacing the window! He totally cleaned up all the broken glass and the cost was VERY reasonable. Amazing Service--I couldn't have asked for anything better. Pros: Fast, Friendly, Good Quality, Reasonable Prices more

BAD! 7/12/2008

""These guys are horrible! I had a broken side window on my car.....supppose to be an easy fix right? Well the ""technician"" tells me that the inside motor has unspoiled. He doesnt have the part but he thinks that he can fix it. He doesn't wait for a yes or no he just takes off into the outside shed. An hour later he finally says ok got if fixed. Thats an extra sixty five dollars by the way. He then tells me that because he had to bend the part to fix it he won't guarantee anything. In fact he says it might break at any moment when I leave. So then WHY THE HELL DIDN""T YOU TELL ME ALL OF THIS BEFORE YOU STARTED WORKING YOU INCOMPETENT PIECE OF ****. Then about a day later the plastic covering on the door comes completely off. In fact I can't even open my door. When I call to tell them to get it fixed they put me on hold indefinitely. Run the other direction if you are thinking aobut having these guys do any work for you."" Cons: Poor Service. The Discount part of the name is a con to get you in the door. more


Dont even bother!!! I cant tell you what a waste of time this company has been and what a bind they have now put me in!!! I called to get my glass for my shower ordered and they came out right away....which was the last piece of good news this company ever gave me!! I then gave them my credit card number which of course they charged a deposit right away and told me it would take 10 days!! I NEVER HEAR BACK TILL I CALL 4 times!! Then I find out my glass isnt even in yet!! Then my glass a week later finally gets in and its ""wrong"" which of course I have to call and find out myself!! THEY NEVER CALLED ME BACK I WOULD ALWAYS HAVE TO CALL THEM!! Then it comes in again and of course you know that the glass is yet again the wrong cut!! Now I have been usgin our friends shower for 4 weeks!!! I have no glass in my shower and they have no idea what to do because the woner of the company who knows this is going on cant talk to me because he is playing golf all afternoon!! If you want a company tha tcan get the job done and has amazing customer service THEN CALL ANYONE BUT THIS COMPANY!!!! Now I have to start all over and call another company!! Pros: having to never deal with them again!! Cons: that they are in business more


DON'T LET THE BAD REVIEWS FOOL YOU!!!!!!!!!!! these guys were awesome, after giving me the BEST price in town for my windshield (i called about 5 other places) they installed it in no time at all. great service and even better price. as for the guy who wrote the review about buying a wrong part for his car. after buying the glass and finding out that they were a salvage yard as well, i've gone to them on several occasions for parts for several different cars and they helped me out every time, even if they didn't have the part, they searched until they found the right part for me and had it there in no time. but as i was saying, about the last guy, if he was an auto mechanic and ""knows what he's talking about"" they why did he buy the wrong part for his car in the first place??????? wouldn't he know it was the wrong part? what probably happened was he asked for the wrong part, they got it, and when it didn't work, he got mad and wrote the bad review\r \r don't listen to the bad reviews. this is a great place of business. Pros: great people, great service, great price Cons: none at all more

AVOID 3/26/2008

I needed mirror cut in a hurry and should have known better. They did cut mirror but charged 5 times the normal cost!!!!! BEWARE!!!!! I strongly suggest that you avoid them at all cost!!!! Cons: high cost!!! more

Kind of Scary, but did a great job 5/29/2007

Being on Spicewood Springs Road I figure this would be a "nice" place. But it's a junk yard, complete with junk yard dogs. They do the repair in the dirt parking lot out front of a pretty ratty looking building. I guess that is why they were $150 cheaper than anyone else for replace my Honda's broken driver side window. \r They got all the glass out of the inside of the door and the glass matches the other side. more

Beware! Beware! Beware! Stay Away from Ace!!!! 1/8/2007

Ace's staff needs to take Valium. After selling me the wrong part for my vehicle I tried to return it. While waiting for someone to help me one of the guys in the office began cussing out a customer who bought some glass, raining down the F-bomb like a Texas hailstorm. Had the customer been present rather than on the phone I'm sure the employee would have decked him. When the employee hung up he continued with an intense tirade for the next ten minutes. \r \r First mistake: Don't subject customers to intense irrational immature emotional rantings either directly or indirectly. This was over the line even for a junkyard.\r \r When I finally got a counter man to help me he tried to blame their mistake on me.\r \r Second mistake: I used to be an Auto mechanic. I know what I'm talking about. They sold me the wrong part and didn't have the right part in the yard. \r \r Because I knew the mistake was theirs I didn't back down. I just wanted to return the part and get my money back. They c more

Stay Away From Ace!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1/8/2007

Ace's staff needs to take Valium. After selling me the wrong part for my vehicle I tried to return it. While waiting for someone to help me one of the guys in the office began cussing out a customer who bought some glass, raining down the F-bomb like a Texas hailstorm. Had the customer been present rather than on the phone I'm sure the employee would have decked him. When the employee hung up he continued with an intense tirade for the next ten minutes. \r \r First mistake: Don't subject customers to intense irrational immature emotional rantings either directly or indirectly. This was over the line even for a junkyard.\r \r When I finally got a counter man to help me he tried to blame their mistake on me.\r \r Second mistake: I used to be an Auto mechanic. I know what I'm talking about. They sold me the wrong part and didn't have the right part in the yard. \r \r Because I knew the mistake was theirs I didn't back down. I just wanted to return the part and get my money back. They could sell the part to somebody else. However, the counter man came out from around the counter and got in my face and began screaming at me. Not willing to be bullied I didn't back down which made him even angrier. At one point I was sure he was going to deck me.\r \r Third mistake: Don't threaten customers with bodily harm.\r \r Finally, after some back and forth I realized that this was a no-win situation and I picked up the part and walked out the door. I haven't been felt as threatened in an environment in years.\r \r Fourth and biggest mistake: In the age of the internet word of customer abuse spreads rapidly. I will find every means possible to warn people away from this business and no amount of money will buy my silence. It would be unfair to anyone who is considering doing business with Ace. The part was a measley $60. I don't care about the money, but I will stand on the principle that you cannot bully customers and get away with it. Pros: None that I know of Cons: Angry employees willing to fight with customers more
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Owner Message
  • What We Do
    Fast Service – Top Quality – Great Value

    Let Ace Discount Glass & Door beautify your bathroom with elegant and affordable glass doors! We're glass experts specializing in glass shower doors and shower enclosures. We offer the highest-quality products at a great value – our work will enhance your bathroom for years to come. Whether you need repair for your existing glass or new glass installed, our professionally trained staff has you covered.

Additional information
  • Hours: Sun 1pm-4pm, Mon-Sat 8am-6pm
  • Payments: American Express, Diner's Club, Discover, Master Card, Visa
  • Neighborhoods: Spicewood Bend, Austin