My car windshield was damaged in the hail 2 weeks ago. I got a mobile mechanic to come on and put on another one, but he did a *craptastic* job.
The windshield was used and dirty, and he had no idea what he was doing, after putting it on, you could hear wind noise coming from the spaces in the windshield.
I forked over $400 for the privilege of at least being able to use my car.
I found these guys online (can't remember exactly how) and started talking with them. They immediately gave me a quote on the phone because they had my windshield in their store. And all I had to do was take it in.
The problem was that because of the hailstorm, there were no rentals in town, so it was a bit tough for me to figure out what I was going to do.
I must have called them about 3 times to nail down a good time to come in, the good thing was that everytime I called they knew who I was, but then they'd say they'd call me back and wouldn't, so I had to keep calling them (Patiently of course ... you get nowhere with attitude in working with car people, is what I've learned) to figure out what to do.
Finally, after telling me they'd call me back on a Friday to figure out if one of their guys could come get my car, fix it and bring it back to me ... they call me on on Saturday, and tell me I can bring it in and they'll have it done by the end of the day.
Luckily, my buddy was in town, so we took it over at about 2pm. They promised and swore up and down that they'd have the car for me by the end of the day (I really needed to have the car that evening). Then I called again at 5pm and they said it was almost ready.
Then at 5:30pm they said they'd run into a problem and that I might have to leave my car over for a day, because the glue for putting the windshield on was sticky/messy and it was hard to get the trim on the glass back on properly. I stayed calm and told them I'd call back to after I'd decided what to do.
When I call back, I ask what the ramifications of just having the windshield done with the sticky glue were (mess and all). They say, they'll give me a call back.
Then they call and say, there was a miscommunication and the car is ready. I go over to pick up my car, and wind up paying $579, tax included (they had quoted me $599 w/o tax).
Everybody there was pretty nice, and cool in person, but their customer service just needs some serious, serious work (the dude at the desk, answered 3 phone calls, while he was getting my car in, instead of putting them on hold to finish up with me).
So far, it looks like they did a stellar job replacing the windshield though, and like I said, they were pretty cool dudes ...
Your mileage may vary.
Pros: They did good work (fingers crossed)
Cons: Their customer service needs serious work.